CGPA to Percentage Calculator | Cgpa To Percentage Converter

Convert CGPA to percentage effortlessly with our CGPA to Percentage Calculator. Quick, accurate results with our CGPA to Percentage Converter Tool.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Enter The Value of Your CGPA Between 0 to 10.

Equivalent Percentage: %

CGPA to Percentage

How it works

Power is at your fingertips

This tool has been created for your convenience so that you can get the percentage of your CGPA with just one click without any manual calculation. For this, you need to enter your CGPA in the ‘Enter CGPA’ box and click on ‘Calculate CGPA’. That’s it, your work will be done.





How this tool has been created and how it works

I have created this CGPA converter tool using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make it user-friendly and mobile-friendly so that with the help of this tool, you can easily calculate your percentage from your CGPA with just one click.

Convert CGPA to percentage in just one click.

Grade-to-point conversion is made straightforward and easy to understand.

What is CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, which is a grading system used in educational institutions to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance. CGPA is calculated by averaging the grade points obtained in all subjects over a specific period.

Why Convert CGPA to Percentage?​

While CGPA provides a comprehensive overview of a student’s performance, many colleges and universities require transcripts in percentage format for admissions. Hence, converting CGPA to percentage becomes crucial for students applying to higher education institutions.

Understanding CGPA and Percentage

CGPA is a grading system used by educational institutions to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance. On the other hand, the percentage is a numerical representation of a student’s performance based on the total marks obtained in a course or examination. Understanding the relationship between CGPA and percentage is crucial for students to accurately represent their academic achievements.

How to Convert CGPA into Percentage​

Converting CGPA into percentages involves a simple mathematical calculation. To convert your CGPA in percentage, you can use the following formula:

[Percentage = CGPA x 9.5]

For example, if your CGPA is 8, your percentage would be:

[Percentage = 8 x 9.5 = 76%]

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

To make the conversion process easier, you can use online CGPA to percentage calculators available on various educational websites. These calculators allow you to input your CGPA and instantly get the equivalent percentage without the need for manual calculations.

CBSE CGPA to Percentage Conversion

For students studying under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the conversion from CGPA to percentage follows a specific formula. The formula used by CBSE to convert CGPA into percentage is:

[Percentage = CGPA x 9.5]

By using this formula, CBSE students can accurately calculate their percentage based on their CGPA.

Conversion Formula for CGPA to Percentage​

The conversion formula for CGPA to percentage is a universal method used by educational institutions worldwide. By multiplying your CGPA by 9.5, you can obtain your equivalent percentage score. This formula ensures a standardized approach to converting CGPA into a percentage.

Conversion Formula Table

6.0 CGPA in Percentage57.00% Percent
6.5 CGPA in Percentage61.75% Percent
7.0 CGPA in Percentage66.50% Percent
7.5 CGPA in Percentage71.25% Percent
8.0 CGPA in Percentage76.00% Percent
8.5 CGPA in Percentage80.75% Percent
9.0 CGPA in Percentage85.50% Percent
9.5 CGPA in Percentage90.25% Percent
10.0 CGPA in Percentage95.00% Percent

Benefits of Using CGPA​

  • Simplified Evaluation: CGPA simplifies the evaluation process by providing a comprehensive view of a student’s academic performance over time.
  • Uniformity: CGPA creates a standardized system for grading across various educational boards and institutions.
  • Encourages Continuous Improvement: CGPA motivates students to strive for improvement by focusing on overall performance rather than individual subject grades.

Disadvantages of Using CGPA​

  1. Lack of Precision: CGPA may not accurately reflect a student’s performance in individual subjects, as it averages the grades.
  2. Limited Understanding: Some organizations may not be familiar with the CGPA system, leading to confusion during admissions or job applications.


In conclusion, understanding how to convert CGPA into percentages is essential for students navigating the education system. This conversion opens doors to various opportunities by providing a standard format for academic transcripts. By following the simple formula and using the conversion table provided, students can easily convert their CGPA into percentages for their future endeavors.

Remember, converting your CGPA into a percentage is just a step in your educational journey. Embrace the process, strive for excellence, and let your academic achievements shine through!


Quick Result in One Click

This tool is crafted to seamlessly convert your CGPA into a percentage with just one click, eradicating the necessity for manual calculations.

You must fill in your CGPA in the enter CGPA box and click the ‘Calculate CGPA’ button to retrieve your percentage instantly. It simplifies the entire process, thereby saving you valuable time and effort.

Cgpa To Percentage

User-Friendly Designed

The CGPA grading system was introduced by the CBSE board in 2010. At that time, understanding the results was a bit difficult, and even now, it requires applying some mathematical formulas manually to convert CGPA to percentage, which can be a bit challenging.

Therefore, I have created this CGPA to percentage calculator tool to assist students, so that every student can easily obtain their percentage from their CGPA. With the help of this tool, you can calculate your percentage with just one click, and this tool is also user-friendly.


I understand the importance of efficiency very well, especially when it comes to managing academics. Through this tool, you can calculate your CGPA, SGPA, and many other things in one place.

Keeping all these things in mind, I have created this tool website, which is smooth and efficient. And I would like to give you one piece of advice you should focus more on studying and less on calculations.

cgpa to percentage converter

Access Our Tool Online

To access our tool online, simply search in the address bar. You will reach our tool. Through this tool, you can accomplish tasks in seconds that would otherwise take minutes. All you need to do is enter your CGPA in the ‘Enter CGPA’ box and click on ‘Calculate CGPA’. Your work will be done.


What is the full form of CGPA?

The full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point Average.

What is the full form of SGPA?

The full form of CGPA is Semester Grade Point Average.

When did the CBSE board implement the CGPA in the education system?

The CBSE board implemented the CGPA grading system for the marks given to students in 2010.

What is the CGPA Percentage?

Converting CGPA into percentages involves a simple mathematical calculation. To convert your CGPA in percentage, you can use the following formula: [Percentage = CGPA x 9.5]

How much CGPA is 77 Percent?

To calculate a CGPA of 77 percent, you need to divide 77 by 9.5, which answers 8.1 CGPA.

CGPA To Percentage

CGPA to Percentage: the best tool to calculate your CGPA into percentages. No more manual calculations, just a few clicks to get results.



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